Women’s Safety Panel

Women’s Safety Panel!

Bob’s very first live video with panelists streamed in from different locations in Sept 2019.   

Click here to watch the recording.

Safety Devices shared by Suanne on live feed.

1) Emergency Whistle, 2) Hiking Stick Stun Gun, 3) Pepper Spray, 4) Bear Spray, 5) USB Pendent, 6) Weather Radio, 7) Bright Flashlight 8) Dash Camera, 9) SPOT GPS Device

(Homes on Wheels Alliance is an Amazon Affiliate.)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
7) 8) 9)

Suanne’s links:  Safety and Security Blog post and Women’s Self-Defense Classes in Seattle.

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The nomad emergency fund in action

A recent success story from the nomad emergency fund.

Help requested:

Hello, My name is Karin. My husband and our kids have been living in our rv for almost a year. We are broken down in Florida with bad brake lines and a broken water pump. We are scheduled to be working at an Amazon fulfillment center in two weeks.  We do not have the funds to get the   repairs done. If we can’t get help to fix this we will have to give up our dream of living on the road with our family and become homeless. Please help us. We need a miracle.

Request filled:

Hi Charmaine, I just wanted to thank you all for your help getting our rv fixed. I can’t express how truly grateful we are. As soon as we start making money we definitely plan on giving back to HOWA. We have made it to Kentucky and settled into our campground. we are looking forward to working at the Amazon fulfillment center. Again, thank you. You were the miracle that helped us continue our dream of living on the road. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

-The Richards Family



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HOWA’s Very First Photo Contest Winners 2019

Congratulations to the Winners of the Very First HOWA Photo Contest! We received so many wonderful photos and a big thank you to each of you that sent in photos for our consideration. Keep taking photos! There will be another opportunity to enter a photo contest at the 2020 RTRs!! See you then!Photo Contest Winner - June 2019Photo Contest Winner - June 2019Photo Contest Winner - June 2019Photo Contest Winner - June 2019Photo Contest Winner - June 2019

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