BYOV (Bring Your Own Vehicle) is HOWA’s newest program, designed to help nomads who do not have the money or expertise to build out their current vehicle. April was a busy month for HOWA volunteers and recipients as everyone pitched in to create comfortable and convenient homes on wheels for the recipients. Some needed simple additions such as portable power stations and suitcase solar panels while others involved installing insulation, wall coverings, plywood floors topped with vinyl sheeting, bed frames, shelving, ceiling fans, and solar systems. Recipients are consulted every step of the way so that the improvements are what they really want and need. If they have the desire and skills they work alongside the volunteers.
Meet some of the recipients!

Cheryl has been a full time nomad for six years, spending most of her time stealth camping in California. Her first home on wheels was a 2015 Ford Transit that she paid to be built out to suit her. Unfortunately the Ford was a lemon and despite years of countless repairs it still wasn’t running properly. A lawyer familiar with vehicle lemon laws got her a settlement so that she could buy new van but there wasn’t money left over to hire someone to make it into a home. Cheryl bought materials piece by piece, piling them in the back of her van as a foundation for her bed while she contemplated the next step. The Bring Your Own Vehicle program was just what she needed! Cheryl’s van received insulation, wall coverings, a bed frame, shelves, a ceiling fan, and a solar system.


Las Vegas is hot in the summer but Ryan wanted to be near his teenage son even though his van didn’t have insulation or a fan. An experienced camper, he enjoyed getting away to boondock in slightly higher and cooler elevations which also gave him the opportunity to meet fellow travelers. Such an encounter led to a discussion of the BYOV program and Ryan decided to fill out an application. He needed solar power to charge his phone plus insulation and a ceiling fan to combat the desert heat. Working along with the volunteers was a rewarding learning experience and gave Ryan the confidence in his abilities to add more improvements to his van as he gets the time and money.


Elizabeth’s first Home on Wheels, which she shared with Sadie, was a 1997 Toyota 4Runner. When the engine failed she started looking for a small van and was excited to find a 1996 Astro van. The Astro was in good condition but it needed upgrades that Elizabeth couldn’t afford. She checked off items on the BYOV application form and was approved for all of them! Elizabeth’s van got a 200W solar power system, ceiling fan, ceiling insulation, and a vinyl-covered plywood floor. She’s planning on brightening up the interior by covering the wall insulation with colorful cloth.