Donating to HOWA is easy!

Choose one of the Donation Options Below!

Make a One-Time or Monthly Donation to HOWA

Make a one-time or monthly gift to Homes on Wheels Alliance!

Enter the Sweepstakes for Bob’s Ambo
Support a HOWA Program

Support the Nomad Emergency Fund:

Donate Stocks, Donor Advised Funds, and gifts of Endowment

HOWA accepts donations of Stock, Donor Advised Funds, and gifts of Endowment!

Donate a Vehicle to HOWA

All donated vehicles, running or not, go through our partner CARS (Charitable Adult Rides & Services) with HOWA receiving 30% of the revenue from the gross proceeds. We’ll even take airplanes and large machinery, as long as it has an engine and is in one piece. You, the donor, get free pick-up and a tax receipt. Go to and enter Homes on Wheels Alliance in the “Search Charity” box or call 855-500-7433 for more information.