HOWA Emergency Fund Coordinator, Allecia, has been extra busy lately due to the coronvirus pandemic which brings unique challenges to nomads. The scope of the Emergency Fund was expanded recently to provide $100 awards for applicants who unexpectedly find themselves short on cash because of COVID-19 related circumstances. The following is a letter of thanks from an emergency fund recipient.
“Hi there, here is a testimonial for you guys. Thanks again for the help! I have been on the road for a couple of years after learning of the nomadic lifestyle through the help of Bob’s Cheap RV Living YouTube channel. I contacted HOWA in the spring of 2020 for emergency gas assistance after being unable to work for several months due to Covid 19. They responded quickly and I gave them all my required info. In a few days was approved for a $100 compassion award. This was a huge lifesaver, which helped me find other options for work. Unfortunately, due to the length of time being out of work my emergency fund was tapped. Sure enough my transmission blew the first month of me getting back to work. Without many options I reached out to HOWA and they were able to award me with another compassion award which I used to pay down the loan I took to cover the costs. I look forward to giving this help back soon and volunteering at any future HOWA events. Thanks so much HOWA for the work you do in our community!” Dave