Minivans are a good choice for full-time living or weekend getaways. They are one of the most economical cars to buy, get good gas mileage, are easy to park and drive, have some degree of stealth for staying in populated areas, and once the seats are removed they are roomy enough to make a comfortable living space.
A simple build requires few skills and can be accomplished easily and quickly. Consider removing the passenger seat or turning it around to face the living area if more room is needed once the rear seats are removed. Start with the basic necessities of bedding, food, water, and cooking equipment. Storage units keep supplies and clothing organized. A source of power will be needed for charging cell phones and other devices. Depending on the climate a small heater or fan could be a necessity. Many of the things you already own may be perfect for a build so sort through your possessions before buying anything new. Keep everything simple. An overcrowded home will not be comfortable on rainy and cold days when you’ll be spending time inside.

The Homes on Wheels team has compiled a list that they consult when outfitting a simple minivan build for a new recipient. All of these items are not used in every minivan home but the list is a good starting point for anyone considering making their own minivan home. The list is now available to everyone!
Click HERE to see it.
Linda Sand · November 8, 2021 at 11:43 am
The items in your links are not the ones I have seen you using. How would you adjust the legs on the bed in your link?
Phyllis · November 18, 2021 at 3:25 pm
Linda, HOWA has used several different cot types over the times we have done this. Some are simple Coleman cots and others have wooden legs with a plywood platform. To make these adjustable, sometimes a PVC pipe is used cut to specific lengths to adjust the front, end or sides of the cot. Other times, a wooden block is used. The wooden block is used often when stealth camping in town when camped next to a curb that dips down on one side. Having a couple of blocks of wood to put on the low side of the cot adjusts it enough to make it level. Experience and creativity helps with figuring out what works best. Safe Travels!