The first nomadic caravans were started in late 2018 by Bob Wells, the president of HOWA and founder of Cheap RV Living. Watch Bob’s Video HERE.
“The time has finally come! I’ve laid out all the plans and have leaders in place: THE CARAVANS ARE HERE!!! Yes, starting on October 31 you can join a group of people and travel with them through the RTR! The rules are very simple; 1) We must move every 14 days. 2) We must leave each place cleaner than we found it. 3) We must treat each other with kindness, compassion and caring (treating others the way we want to be treated). 4) We must each come prepared to be fully self-sustaining and able to take care of ourselves.”
The Caravans proved to be very popular with as many as eight caravan gatherings taking place in different locations at the same time. Groups were kept small to avoid overcrowding the locations. For many new nomads, this was their first experience at boondocking on public land and the camaraderie of the group helped them to feel secure and to learn the basics of their new lifestyle. Friendships were formed and as their confidence grew people began to form their own groups separate from the Caravans which freed spots for newer nomads.

Early in 2019 HOWA became the sponsor of the Caravans and began utilizing Meetup as an easy to use platform to organize the Caravans, to keep track of the number of participants, and to allow members to chat with each other.
The outbreak of coronavirus in the US meant an end to in-person gatherings but not a complete end to gatherings. After a little brainstorming by the HOWA management team, the Virtual Caravans were born! By using Zoom, a video communications service, Virtual Caravan participants are able to interact on a more personal level than is possible through other types of social media. The first Virtual Caravan was held on March 30, 2020 and they will continue to be held until it is safe to gather together again.

Virtual Caravans are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. A women’s only Virtual Caravan is held on Sunday morning and Virtual Caravan Classes are held on Saturday mornings.

Attendance is limited to 100 people and participants must RSVP before the meetings begin. Everyone is welcome. Attendees include long time nomads, new nomads, part-time nomads, and future nomads. Although it’s not the same as attending an in-person Caravan, the Virtual Caravans have become a wonderful way for nomads to meet. Friendships are formed and plans are made to gather together in the future. We welcome you to join one of the next Virtual Caravans! More information HERE.
PHYLLIS · May 13, 2021 at 8:45 am (Edit)
You go girl. i am 87 and going to go in my prius. with tent.
PHYLLIS · May 13, 2021 at 8:45 am
You go girl. i am 87 and going to go in my prius. with tent.
Jacqui Cyrus · October 17, 2021 at 6:22 pm
WoW! I’m so impressed. I hope to meet up with you either online or in person next year.
Liliana Gulliksen · April 30, 2022 at 5:05 am
Great! nice article . very impressive