Emergency Fund

Thanks for Donating to the Efund!

Bobbie Stice joined the HOWA team as the Emergency Fund Coordinator in December 2020 and has been doing an excellent job evaluating efund applications and recommending other options if the needs are outside the scope of HOWA’s efund program.

Since its inception in August 2019, the efund has distributed more than $26,000 and helped over 80 nomads! An anonymous donation launched the fund but all of you who continue to donate allows HOWA to keep helping nomads. We thank you!

Emergency fund recipients are vetted and donors can be assured that the fund is used to help nomads in emergency situations. Ninety percent of Emergency Fund contributions directly assist those in need within the mobile community. Ten percent goes toward operating expenses to run the Emergency Fund Program.

The following is an excerpt of a thank you letter from a recipient who was helped in a minor but important way:

“This past couple of years have been extremely hard for me…I was working two jobs and trying to keep the house payments up when covid hit and I lost both jobs. At that point I knew I had to come up with another plan…I considered just living in the car but I have 2 cats…I was able to sell enough furniture and other things to get the van…make it livable…I ended up in St. George…I was very cold… My job provided a way to have food and the things the cats needed but not much more since they only pay me 8.20 an hour and I only can work part time. I ended up hearing about the Homes On Wheels Alliance..The people who contacted me were very kind and helped me through the process. I was approved…so grateful to be able to get some ways to be warmer. Since I came from Florida I didn’t have a coat or gloves. I was able to go to a thrift store…I know my situation will keep improving…thank goodness for the videos and all they do to give me ideas…I will always be grateful for the help from HOWA to be able to keep myself and my cats warm this winter”

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A Helping Hand

The Emergency Fund team reviews many requests and when it’s not possible to grant money for large repairs a compassion fund is often awarded to provide help in a smaller way. The following is a heartfelt letter of thanks from John.
“One of the big lessons I’ve learned from being nearly four years on the road is this: Even when things get lonely out there, we are never truly alone. In some mysterious way, we are all connected.

Recently, on a trip to visit family, I encountered a series of mechanical problems in my “new” old van. The repair bills ate through my savings and left me in debt. Not since my heart surgery more than four years earlier had things seemed so bleak.

Fortunately, friends and family came through for me. I now include HOWA as part of friends and family. They found a way to help me out with a small “compassionate” grant.

See? We’re never alone. We’re all in this together, and HOWA is part of that. Looking forward to seeing you all back on the road.


Apprentice Wise Elder”

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Fifty Nomads Helped

Since the creation of the Emergency Fund in August 2019, HOWA has distributed over $13,000 to more than 50 nomads. Emergency awards covered everything from money to buy a warm winter coat to funds for major mechanical repairs. Laurie expressed her appreciation in an email to the Emergency Fund staff.

 “Homes on Wheels Alliance helped me tremendously when I had an emergency 1000 miles away from my regular home on wheels region of the country. 
As a full time nomad, with post 911 medical lung complication, I had driven a thousand miles away quickly to flee the California wildfire smoke & fires in early fall 2020. 
This unexpected two thousand mile round trip fuel cost left me in a serious bind since I have a small fixed income that covers only basic necessities. The good news is that my asthma attacks stopped when I got away from the thick smoke though I tended up stuck in a place with none of my regular resources or familiarity because I ran out of fuel. 
In addition I needed to receive specialized medical help & continuity of care that included an asthmatic equipment pick up back at my regular mail center. 
The process for applying to the fund was streamlined, professional and kind. I was able to upload various verifications and await positive news that I had been awarded a small grant that because of online delivery method – I was able to access immediately.
Larger than life this support was to me because I was going be able to get out of the Western slope of the Rockies before the next round of cold and snow came for which me nor my van was prepared for.

I will never forget how this non profit organization came through for me in one of my biggest times of need – the CA wildfires. 
I will spread the word to people who need a wonderful place to donate in order to keep this emergency fun running. This is the real deal! 
Thank you HOWAđź’—”
Laurie P. 

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A Little Extra Help Needed

HOWA Emergency Fund Coordinator, Allecia, has been extra busy lately due to the coronvirus pandemic which brings unique challenges to nomads. The scope of the Emergency Fund was expanded recently to provide $100 awards for applicants who unexpectedly find themselves short on cash because of COVID-19 related circumstances. The following is a letter of thanks from an emergency fund recipient.

“Hi there, here is a testimonial for you guys. Thanks again for the help! I have been on the road for a couple of years after learning of the nomadic lifestyle through the help of Bob’s Cheap RV Living YouTube channel. I contacted HOWA in the spring of 2020 for emergency gas assistance after being unable to work for several months due to Covid 19.  They responded quickly and I gave them all my required info. In a few days was approved for a $100 compassion award.  This was a huge lifesaver, which helped me find other options for work. Unfortunately, due to the length of time being out of work my emergency fund was tapped. Sure enough my transmission blew the first month of me getting back to work.  Without many options I reached out to HOWA and they were able to award me with another compassion award which I used to pay down the loan I took to cover the costs. I look forward to giving this help back soon and volunteering at any future HOWA events. Thanks so much HOWA for the work you do in our community!”   Dave

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Emergency Gas Money

Another great testimonial from a nomad who used the emergency fund.
We are so happy that you were able to find us in your time of need.

“Due to some minor bad luck I was in the middle of the month with zero dollars. I met a friend who let me know about the Homes on Wheels Alliance and their emergency fund to help nomads stay out of bad situations. I contacted them and requested $50.00 for gas money for heat because I am in a very cold place up north and within a few days I had the money in my paypal account. If you’re a nomad get involved with these folks. It’s a smart idea to have friends. Good luck and happy travels. May  kindness and goodness meet you every step of the way.”

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Emergency Van Repairs

 Charlene contacted HOWA for assistance with repairs to her van. After supplying all of the necessary information to Charmaine of HOWA her request was approved. Nick DeCarlo of DeCarlo Auto Pros in Show Low Arizona worked with Charlene to make repairs so that her van was roadworthy and she was quickly able to be back on the road.

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