2021 Online RTR & WRTR
Like so many other events during the coronavirus pandemic, the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous and the Women’s Rubber Tramp Rendezvous could not …
Like so many other events during the coronavirus pandemic, the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous and the Women’s Rubber Tramp Rendezvous could not …
The WRTR and RTR could not happen without the team of volunteers who gladly contribute their time to keep everything running smoothly…
06/09/2020 When Bob Wells started the RTR in 2011 no one dreamed that it would become so large so fast. From a gathering of fewer than 50 people, the RTR attendance swelled to many thousands in 2019 and outgrew the site at Scadden Wash, east of Quartzsite, Arizona, where it Read more…
12/21/2019 From Bob’s YouTube channel: Why I Started the RTR “In 2008 when the economy crashed my website was in place. I started it in 2005 to answer all the questions, to help people, to inspire people to embrace the mobile life and to teach them how so if they’re Read more…