The WRTR and RTR could not happen without the team of volunteers who gladly contribute their time to keep everything running smoothly. Volunteers help with assembling the shade canopies; manning the tables for name buttons, tee shirts, first aid, media, free pile, and information; directing traffic; presenting seminars; providing entertainment; and doing the final break-down and cleanup.
The job comes with a few perks – parking close to the action and a barbecue lunch on the last day – prepared and served by volunteers! If you would like to volunteer fill out the form HERE.
We are all hoping that it will be safe to have large gatherings next year and the tradition of the RTR and the WRTR will continue in January of 2021!
1 Comment
Lea N Shanahan · July 5, 2020 at 1:19 pm
I loved being able to participate in the WRTR and RTR as a volunteer. I felt welcomed and like part of the ‘family’ even though I had a ‘lesser’ role than the Movers and Shakers , I knew that my time and energy helped support them for their bigger role. I look forward to the next Gathering of the Clan.