
Scouting for the Caravans

By Suanne Carlson, Executive Director
This week I’ve been scouting for camp locations for the Caravans.  Caravans are groups of people who camp together for up to 3 months.  I’ve searched in Southern Oregon, west to east, along Hwy 140 from Klammath Falls to beyond Adel into the Oregon Outback. What a challenge. And what a joy to see such diversity in our public lands — from forests, to grasslands, sagebrush and junipers. The wildflowers in the high country are spectacular — reds, oranges, yellows, blues, violets, and whites, all displayed on endless shades of green. Also today I was lucky enough to spy several birds of prey, including a bald eagle. But, my funniest animal encounter happened with a little hitchhiker.
Image may contain: cloud, sky, tree, outdoor and nature
Last night I camped in a National Forest of tall pine, fir, cedar, ferns, and Oregon grape. Just as I was falling asleep I heard rustlings in my engine compartment — a little varmint I surmised. But, by the time the sun rose, all was quiet and I soon forgot about that incursion.
Image may contain: tree, sky, plant, grass, outdoor and nature
So, first thing this morning I headed to the flat lands of scrub, sage and junipers further east. I wanted to search some BLM land for dispersed camp areas — free, with cell service, close to town, and able to accommodate a small group. Once in the outback, I headed down a dirt road that soon became a bone-jarring obstacle course of rocks and ruts. After a bit, I stopped to turn around and look elsewhere. But, before I got it in reverse, out pops a chipmunk from under my hood, both paws on my windshield in front of my face, as if to say, “Hey there! Where do you think you’re going? This ain’t my home!”
Well, it is now.
I popped open my hood and sprayed Simple Green along the firewall. I’ve been told it deters mice … it also seems to deter chipmunks because he’s gone now.
Perhaps the little guy will travel the quarter mile down to the little town by the lake to find others of his kind.
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To learn about the Caravans —
To RSVP to join a Caravan —
On July 1, 2019, the Caravans will move from CheapRVLiving to Homes On Wheels Alliance.
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Days 8-10 — Minivan Build

OK … I’m going to try this post again.  After adding a video, it produced an error and our webmaster had to delete everything.  So, now I’ll see if I can re-create the post.  But, this time, I just included a link to the video at the end.

We had some wet, then cold weather.  Here is a picture out my side widow toward the build area.

After it dried out, the weather turned really cold.  Some evenings we’d gather at the camp fire to visit and warm up before calling it a night. (KC, Bob, Joni, Tim)

Taking a break from putting wood scraps into the fire, KC did her imitation of a fu manchu mustache.

Then some of us got a bit silly and started dancing around the fire.  That’s one way to keep warm!  (Bob, Suanne, Joni, KC, Lois)  

Click here for that video of us cutting up.

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Days 6 & 7 — Minivan Build

For days six and seven of the build, we are putting the finishing touches on the wood construction, going into town to get shipments of wishlist items, and preparing to install the solar power systems and related electronics.  But, mostly, we are enjoying each others’ company, running errands, and taking care of personal business during this short down time.

Tony (inside) and Karen are putting the finishing touches on the wood construction … dog Cody is supervising.

Today we opened the first set of packages from the Amazon Wishlist.  Thank you everyone who is giving to the minivan build so generously.

When not working on the minivan, we’ve enjoyed meals and campfires together (Mario, Missy, Phyllis).

HOWA’s two best Executive Assistants, Phyllis and KC, with Kona getting a belly rub.

Suanne giving the dogs a little treat.  Cody and Kona say “mmmmm good!”

Marshmallows for desert.  John says “mmmmm good!”

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Day Five — Minivan Build

Today was abuzz with building activity, while Bob shot his live feed .

Our camp work area and gathering spot.

Cliff sawing and James documenting on camera.

Joni, James, John and Cliff discussing the layout.

John figuring out how everything will fit together.

John and Cliff placing the top shelf.

Watch Bob’s live stream video to see how much further they got today!  Click here.

For those of you who contributed by purchasing an item for the minivan on the Amazon Wishlist.  Thank you!  You Rock!  All items have been purchased and are being shipped to our location.





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Day Four — Minivan Build

Shelves begun under the hatch for a galley kitchen.

A view inside from the passenger-side sliding door.

Due to the generous contributions of our donors, HOWA purchased the build’s lumber, building supplies, solar power system components and related electronic parts.  Yet, to make this minivan a home, we need additional items to create a livable, safe and secure space.  So, we’ve put together an Amazon Wishlist for anyone else who would like to contribute to this inaugural build.  Consider taking part by purchasing something from the Minivan Build Wishlist —  Thank you for joining with us us to make this minivan a home-sweet-home for someone in need.  

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Day Three — Minivan Build

Floor vinyl was installed with precision (John).

Bed built and secured to the floor.  The back shelving was begun.  And, the first draft of the Safety Manual was submitted.  Bob is video taping the build.  

The day ended around the campfire with roasted marshmallows and friendship (Lois, Bonnie, Paulette, Mario).

Our location for the minivan build is truly beautiful.

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